Daily Auction Price of Green/Small Cardamom - 25 November 2023.
Auctioneer: Cardamom Planters' Association, Santhanpara
No.of Lots : 161 Total Qty Arrived (Kgs): 36,494.9 Qty Sold (Kgs): 34,049.2 Max.Price (Rs./Kg): 2109.00 Min.Price (Rs./Kg): 1131.00 Grower Avg.Price (Rs./Kg): 1514.94 Dealer Avg.Price (Rs./Kg): 1495.71
Auction Avg.Price (Rs./Kg): 1504.64Auctioneer: The Cardamom Planters Marketing Co-Operative Society Limited
No.of Lots : 222 Total Qty Arrived (Kgs): 75,376 Qty Sold (Kgs): 74,164.9 Max.Price (Rs./Kg): 2151.00 Min.Price (Rs./Kg): 1229.00 Grower Avg.Price (Rs./Kg): 1568.65 Dealer Avg.Price (Rs./Kg): 1675.50
Auction Avg.Price (Rs./Kg): 1,591.32