Daily Price

Daily Auction Price of Green/Small Cardamom - 20 May 2023.

20 May 2023

Auctioneer: The Cardamom Planters Marketing Co-Operative Society Limited

No.of Lots : 145
Total Qty Arrived (Kgs): 34,321.6
Qty Sold (Kgs): 32621.8
Max.Price (Rs./Kg): 1748.00
Min.Price (Rs./Kg): 730.00
Grower Avg.Price (Rs./Kg): 1087.06
Dealer Avg.Price (Rs./Kg): 1122.79

Auction Avg.Price (Rs./Kg): 1097.77

20 May 2023

Auctioneer: J.M.Haroon Cardamom Processing Company, JCPC

No.of Lots Arrived : 173
Total Qty Arrived (Kgs): 49,552.2
No.of Lots Sold : 161
Max.Price (Rs./Kg): 1428.00
Min.Price (Rs./Kg): 426.00

Auction Avg.Price (Rs./Kg): 1013.33