Daily Price

Daily Auction Price of Green/Small Cardamom - 4 August 2021.

4 August 2021

Auctioneer: Cardamom Planters' Association, Santhanpara

No.of Lots: 187
Total Qty Arrived (Kgs): 34163.8
Qty Sold (Kgs): 33447.2
Max.Price (Rs./Kg): 1676.00

Avg.Price (Rs./Kg): 990.20

4 August 2021

Auctioneer: The Cardamom Planters Marketing Co-Operative Society Ltd.

No.of Lots: 211
Total Qty Arrived (Kgs): 60550.3
Qty Sold (Kgs): 59082.3
Max.Price (Rs./Kg): 1632.00

Avg.Price (Rs./Kg): 1009.25